Componente di una macchina industriale frutto della progettazione ingegneristica di Esse-Bi Engineering

Our Services

Esse-Bi Enginnering offers a wide range of services and technical support.
Thanks to a dynamic and smart organization, it can be constantly close to the customer, in a full collaborative and constructive spirit, with the aim of mutual growth and improvement.

Many fields have been covered by years of experience of the staff, whose extensive and qualified know-how makes them serious, passionate and trained collaborators, able to solve project criticalities and problems requiring specilized skills.

Furthermore, Esse-Bi Engineering may also provide staff located at the customer’s premises, guarantees the possibility of using only the resources really necessary to cover the needs of the project.
Esse-Bi Engineering is also able to take charge of complex activities and projects, with the possibility of managing the organization of the project, project management activities, or program management, in order to leave the customer free to manage the normal core-business and strategic activities.

Mechanical Design – CAD

Esse-Bi Engineering can conceive solutions and offer in detail development of complex systems, machineries or their mechanical components, plants, as well as devices, tools or production equipment.

Discover more about Mechanical Design – CAD

Una gru esegue un lavoro complesso, frutto di uno studio di ingegneria e meccatronica

Engineering and simulation – CAE

Esse-Bi can make available resources trained and skilled in Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE): analysis and simulation through engineering calculation to assess the capacity to withstand the expected loads, according to national and international regulations: carpentry and structures, especially for the lifting and oil & gas sectors, machineres and their parts and mechanisms.

Discover more about Engineering and simulation – CAE

Disegno di un componente realizzato attraverso la simulazione mediante calcolo ingegneristico

Automation & Mechatronics

Combining the principles of mechanical engineering with electronics and automatic controls, Esse-Bi Engineering can develop projects of automatic machines complete with electrical parts, ad hoc electronics or define control methods for machines and servosystems.

Discover more about Automation & Mechatronics

Macchinario complesso realizzato grazie alla meccatronica: l'unione delle conoscenze di ingegneria meccanica e elettronica.

Defence & Aerospace

With 20+ years experience in the Defense industry, with participations in national and international programs, make Esse-Bi Enineering a supplier in engineering services, calculation, design and consultancy.

Discover more about Defence & Aerospace